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Newsletter_"Zeleni i plavi potencijali u Zadarskoj županiji" u sklopu projekta IN4BLUE/Newsletter "Green and Blue Potentials in Zadar County" as part of the IN4BLUE project

Pozivamo vas da pročitate prvo izdanje newslettera projekta IN4BLUE (Social impact INcubators FOR strenghtening the capacity of Adriatic region to support the sustainable industry transformation of the BLUE economy sector), koji je pokrenut 2024. godine u sklopu programa Interreg Italija-Hrvatska 2021-2027.

Projekt okuplja šest partnera kojem je cilj izgradnja prekogranične sustavne mreže potpore ključnih razvojnih dionika za jačanje vještina i kapaciteta lokalnih aktera kako bi postali dio aktivnosti digitalne i zelene tranzicije, omogućujući pozitivnu sinergiju učinka na zapošljavanje, inovativnost, otpornost i održivu konkurentnost unutar Jadranske regije.


#Newsletter #LatestUpdate #StayInformed✨


We invite you to read the first edition of the project IN4BLUE (Social impact INcubators FOR strenghtening the capacity of Adriatic region to support the sustainable industry transformation of the BLUE economy sector) newsletter, which was launched in 2024 under the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2021-2027 program.

The project brings together six partners with the goal of building a cross-border systemic support network for key development stakeholders to strengthen the skills and capacities of local actors, helping them become part of the digital and green transition activities. This aims to create a positive synergy effect on employment, innovation, resilience, and sustainable competitiveness within the Adriatic region.


#Newsletter #IN4BLUE #LatestUpdate #StayInformed✨